Monday, May 15, 2017

Keep the house clean. Most Beautiful dog, Yes

Where is that rodent? I'll get it for sure, kitchen, granaries, stables. Get the rodents out. 

And you there, if you behave like a rodent, you are a rodent, must be, so be aware do not come onto our property. I'll get you.

Been here since 1600. Vote for me, will you...

Okay, there has been a mistake. I am NOT, let me repeat, NOT a monkey.

You see. I said so

See, here again

Well, maybe a little bit

But, I do not have a mustache, period!

No way, that's a mustache

And, that and that

Just vote for me okay, just vote before ..... Oh,now I see, you are a rodent, aren't you? I knew it, I knew it

Oh, humans like me a lot, just listen to what they said about me. 

General Appearance
The Affenpinscher is a balanced little wiry haired-like toy dog whose
intelligence and demeanour makes it a good house pet. Originating in
Germany, where the name Affenpinscher means “monkey-like terrier”,
the breed was developed to rid the kitchens, granaries and stables of
rodents. In France the breed is described as the “diablotin moustachu”
or the moustached little devil. Both these names help to describe the
appearance and attitude of this delightful breed. When evaluating the
breed, the total overall appearance of the Affenpinscher is more
important than any individual characteristic.

The general demeanour of the Affenpinscher is game, alert and inquisitive
with great loyalty and affection toward its master and friends. The breed
is generally quiet but can become vehemently excited when threatened
or attacked and is fearless toward any aggressor.

Substance, Size Proportion
The Affenpinscher is a sturdy, compact little dog with medium bone and
is not delicate in any way. The height at the withers is between 9 inches
and 11-1/2 inches, with 10-1/4 inches being the ideal. The height at the
withers is approximately the same as the length of the body from the
point of the shoulder to the point of the buttocks giving a square
appearance. The female may be slightly longer.

The head is in proportion to the body, carried confidently upright with a
monkey-like facial expression. Eyes: Full, round, dark, brilliant, and of
medium size in proportion to the head but not bulging or protruding.
The eye rims are black. Ears: Either cropped to a point, set high and
standing erect, or natural, standing erect, semi-erect or dropped. All
types of ears, if symmetrical, are acceptable as long as the monkey-like
expression is maintained. 
Skull: Round and domed but not coarse. 
Stop: Well defined. 
Muzzle: Short and narrowing slightly to a blunt nose. The
length of the muzzle is approximately the same as the distance between
the eyes. 
Nose: Not obviously turned up or down, with black pigmentation.

Lips: Black in color with the lower lip more prominent. 

Bite:Undershot with the lower teeth closing closely in front of the upper
teeth. A level bite is acceptable if the monkey-like expression is
maintained. The teeth and tongue do not show when the mouth is
closed. The lower jaw is broad enough for the lower teeth to be straight
and even.

Neck, Topline and Body
Neck: Short and straight with upright carriage. 
Topline: Straight and level. 
Body: The chest is rather broad and deep; the ribs are moderately
sprung. The underline is slightly tucked up at the loin. The back is short
and straight. The loin is short and only slightly tucked. The croup has just
a perceptible curve before the tail. The tail is either docked or left
natural. When docked the tail is generally between 1 inch and 3 inches
long; set high and carried erect. When natural the tail is carried curved
gently up over the back while moving. The type of tail is not a major

The front angulation is moderate. 
Shoulders:With moderate layback and
flexible enough to allow free front action. The lengths of the upper arm
and the forearm are about equal. 
Elbows: Close to the body. Front Legs:
Straight when viewed from the front. Front Pasterns: Relatively short
and straight. 
Dewclaws: Generally removed. 
Feet: Small, round and
compact with black pads and nails.

The rear angulation is moderate. 
Hind Legs: Straight when viewed from
behind. When viewed from the side they are set under the body to maintain
a square appearance. The lengths of the upper thigh and the second
thigh are about equal. 
Stifle: Moderate angulation. 
Hock Joint:Moderate angulation; straight when viewed from behind. Rear Pasterns:
Short and straight. 
Dewclaws: Generally removed. Feet: Small, round
and compact with black pads and nails.

The hair is dense, rough, harsh textured and approximately 1 inch in
length on the shoulders, body and back, but may be shorter on the rear
and tail in contrast to the longer, shaggier and less harsh hair on the head,
neck, chest, stomach and legs. At maturity the neck and chest coat may
grow longer to form a cape. The longer hair on the head, eyebrows and
beard stands off and frames the face to emphasize the monkey-like
expression. The hair on the ears is usually cut very short. The correct coat
needs little grooming to blend the shorter hair into the longer hair to
maintain a neat but shaggy appearance.

Black, grey, silver, or black and tan - with symmetrical markings, or red
varying from a brownish red to an orangey tan. Some blacks may have a
rusty cast or have white or silver hairs mixed in the coat and furnishings.
Some reds have black, brown, and/or white hairs mixed in the coat with
tan furnishings. With the various colors, the furnishings may be a bit
lighter and some may have black masks. A small white spot or fine line
of white hairs on the chest is not penalized, but large white patches are
undesirable. Color is not a major consideration.

The Affenpinscher has a light, sound, balanced, confident gait and tends
to carry itself with comic seriousness. When viewed from the front or rear
while walking, the legs move parallel to each other. While trotting, the
feet will converge toward a midline depending on the speed.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Remember Your War Heroes. That's why I'm the most beautiful dog.

I'm the biggest, the king of terriers, yes, I am.

We Airedales use hounds to sniff out and pursue the quarry, then we come in, go in a tight, dark underground den without the help of human handlers, and make the kill. Of course, bringing back the game to my beloved poacher.

Yes, I am the common mans choice of sporting dog. So, whaaaat, hey, I've also brought messages to soldiers behind enemy lines.

Oh, war-stories I can tell you, Jack ones was sent out, run half a mile right through enemy fire, broken jaw, one leg splintered, delivered message and dropped dead on the spot. Yeah, those were the days...

Okay, okay, even better, I FOUND wounded soldiers on the battlefield. Wolf and Prince started doing that already in 1916.

Oh, before I forget, I do police work, didn't know that didn't you, eh, eh.
So, vote for me, now!

I'm intelligent, have good scenting abilities and, and our wiry coats are easy to maintain. For sure, that's what the folk say about us...

Listen, humans say a lot of things and you might want to read some more about us truly amazing breed.

Okay, okay, don't twist my paw, one more fact. We served in the Red Army in the early 1920s. So, even russians are convinced of our qualities.

Okay, okay, just one more fact. We lost two of our friends on the.....Titanic.

Yes, yes, the last one, I promise. I, Lady Boy, was the first celebrity white house pet, who else. President Harding even had a special chair hand carved for me to sit on at very important Cabinet meetings. Impressed. Now, soldier, vote for your country, thus, vote for me, period.

Dogs should measure approximately 23 inches (58 cm) in height at the shoulder; bitches, slightly less. Both sexes should be sturdy, well-muscled and well-boned.

Coat and Colour 
Coat should be hard, dense and wiry, lying straight and close, covering the dog well over the body and legs. Some of the hardest are crinkling or just slightly waved. At the base of the hard, very stiff hair should be a shorter growth of softer hair termed the undercoat. The head and ears should be tan, the ears being of a darker shade than the rest. Dark markings on either side of the skull are permissible.

The legs up to the thighs and elbows and the underpart of the body and chest are also tan and the tan frequently runs into the shoulder. The sides and upper parts of the body should be black or dark grizzle. A red mixture is often found in the black and is not to be considered objectionable. A small white blaze on the chest is a characteristic of certain strains of the breed.

Should be well balanced with little apparent difference between the length of skull and foreface. Skull should be long and flat, not too broad between the ears, and narrowing very slightly to the eyes. Scalp should be free from wrinkles, stop hardly visible, and cheeks level and free from fullness. Muzzle should be deep, powerful, strong, and muscular. Should be well filled up before the eyes. Nose should be black and not too small. Mouth: Lips should be tight. Teeth should be strong and white, free from discolouration or defect. Bite either level or vise-like. A slightly overlapping or scissors bite is permissible without preference. Eyes should be dark, small, not prominent, full of terrier expression, keenness and intelligence. Ears should be V-shaped with carriage rather to the side of the head, not pointing to the eyes, small, but not out of proportion to the size of the dog. The topline of the folded ear should be above the level of the skull.

Should be of moderate length and thickness, gradually widening towards the shoulder. Skin tight, not loose.

Shoulders long and sloping well into the back. Shoulder blades flat. Forelegs should be perfectly straight, with plenty of muscle and bone. Elbows should be perpendicular to the body, working free of sides.

Back should be short, strong and level. From the front, chest deep but not broad. The depth of the chest should be approximately on a level with the elbows. Ribs well sprung. Loins muscular and of good width. There should be but little space between the last rib and the hip joint.

Should be strong and muscular with no droop. Thighs should be long and powerful with muscular second thigh, stifles well bent, not turned either in or out, hocks well let down, parallel with each other when viewed from behind. Feet should be small, round, and compact with a good depth of pad, well cushioned; the toes moderately arched, not turned either in or out.

The root of the tail should be set well up on the back. It should be carried gaily and be of good strength and substance.

Movement or action is the crucial test of conformation. Movement should be free. As seen from the front the forelegs should swing perpendicular from the body free from the sides, the feet the same distance apart as the elbows. As seen from the rear the hind legs should be parallel with each other, neither too close nor too far apart, but so placed as to give a strong, well-balanced stance and movement. The toes should not be turned either in or out.

Yellow eyes, hound ears, white feet, soft coat, being much over or under the size limit, being undershot or overshot, having poor movement, are faults which should be severely penalized.

The use of any and all foreign agents for the improvement of dogs in the show ring, such as colouring, dilating the pupil, and stiffening the coat, is forbidden. Such acts are unsportsmanlike and unfair to those exhibitors who live up to the rules.

Scale of Points 
Head......................................................................................... 10
Neck, shoulders and chest....................................................... 10
Body.......................................................................................... 10
Hindquarters and tail............................................................... 10
Legs and feet............................................................................ 10
Coat.......................................................................................... 10
Colour......................................................................................... 5
Size........................................................................................... 10
Movement................................................................................. 10
General characteristics and expression.................................... 15

Okay, okay, one more fact:
just love them to death...

Monday, October 19, 2015

Tip 5: Stop your barking dog and seek professional help:

The day you buy your dog, it brings the responsibility and commitment to meet the needs of that dog. Ensuring that your dog stops barking, and making sure you get help if your dog has a behavior problem associated with the bark.

You do this by calling a dog whisperer, dog behaviorist or dog trainer. This will guide you in finding a suitable solution for you and your dog, taking into account the opportunities that are available.

Yes, yes, I hear you, you do not have to tell me, "Grandpa, stop complaining" ... so I'll give you an extra tip. A tip from the secret box of a dog whisperer.

As a dog whisperer it is not always easy to find a solution that takes into account the character of the dog. And yet I feel this is just the challenge that makes my job so exciting.
Get Help

Moreover, the curiosity always excites in me when I get called.

Therefore, a secret trick you can give you back the pride of owning a your pup.

Just one example, and no, no more stories that could have possibly happened. This really happened and I am proud that I was able to solve it so plain and simple.

You may have already read on the website that Jenn came to us from Spain. Well, Jenn was completely down. She had totally lost confidence. So every wrong action, how can I explain it ... could mean the end of the sparkle of the bond we were creating.

My girlfriend and I have a habit of sometimes going out. Yes, who does not. But every time we got home, Jenn was barking at the door.

Okay, admittedly, handy if there are intruders, but less useful for the neighbors.

Knowing Right, the moment when I take control of this situation and I learn Jenn clearly, precisely and exactly the behavior I expected from her.

Hmm, sounds familiar, not?
Ask a pro
Ask A pro

Here it comes, the secret ... The secret that I myself have experienced training with INTERNATIONAL MAJOR TOP TRAINERS that compete every year at Crufts for obedience, agility and doggy-dance walk, but also manage to win every year and this already for more than a decade.

It took me exactly one week to stop Jenn barking. And I know you'll read the following paragraphs, perhaps a few times because it lies in the details of the technique. But you asked me to give tips and this is a tip where I as a dog whisperer earn money. And believe me, it comes to sensitively, precisely orchestrated solutions, I am worth more than every penny.

For this solution, you'll need 4 things: sweets (to maintain the focus of the dog, no, not as a reward - perhaps in a later article for details), a toy that your dog loves it (Jenn + ball = love) perseverance and a lot of patience.

I learned Jenn barking on command. In other words, I say, "barking" and Jenn barks. If she does that properly, I give her a piece of candy. So, she knows that her focus is correct. After a number of times practicing properly, Jenn gets her reward. We play with the bal.This took five days.Then I was sure I could say always and everywhere, "barking" and Jenn started barking.

Knowing Right, Jenn now know in what situation she's expected to barking. First part success.

Now, just unlearn when no longer to bark. And this I have done on a quiet weekday ... I came home in the car, went to the front door ... and Jenn started barking.

She continues to bark when I came in. I waited patiently without making eye contact, even without giving her any attention until she stopped barking.

At the time she relaxes completely, I give her the command "bark", Jenn barks, I give the candy. This command I repeat two times. After that I played with her as a reward.

Now I go out, drove the same car away, came back and repeated the scenario ... Jenn barks relaxes command, sweet, command, sweet, command, sweet, just play ...

So I drove away 12 times, so I came back 12 times ...

Only the 12e time Jenn barked NO MORE. She was already relaxed when I came through the door. I gave the command, sweet, command, sweet, command, sweet, just play ...

Ask A pro
Ask a pro

Ha, ha, won. Of course I can talk about this solution for a long time with many veterinarians and dog behavior psychologists ... It works, period (and I know why it works). And the solution comes from international dog trainers, competing all over the world.

There are incredible and amazing dog-secrets only known by actual dog whisperers because they for decades they intensively and passionately work  every day work with dogs, discovering by chance secrets. And these secrets they just give to the next generation of top trainers and dog whisperers.

And that's why it pays to turn to a dog whisperer to find Knowing Right-solutions for barking dogs.

Have confidence, create a powerful bond with your dog


PS If you still want more information about North Vancouver Knowing Right Dog Psychology Center, click here.!knowing-right-dog-psychology-center/cg0g

Tip 4: Stop the barking dog, challenge him mentally and physically:

Get Help
Excessive barking is usually the result of pent-up energy. If this is so, then the solution is simple: make sure the dog uses that energy in a more productive way.

Hey, do you walk your dog daily? Or, do you let him fetch a ball? Barking

while you play with your dog is quite ok, enjoy it.

For the more energetic dogs, and this is so with my dogs, there are still major challenges out their. Mentally fun for your dog!

Daphne, our bearded collie and Jenn, our ... well she's not a purebred dog, I train daily to participate in obedience competitions.

Fun is the key word. I enjoy every activity with my dogs every day. It's bonding while mentally and physically challenging them.

Because, when difficult situations occur, the strength of the bond you have with your dog will make him trusts and follow you completely. Knowing Right!

Have confidence, create a powerful bond with your dog


PS If you still want more information about North Vancouver Knowing Right Dog Psychology Center, click here.